- making accurate and groovy sound/noise.

The dynamic filter.
  This module of groovit receive sound as an input from the other part of groovit and dynamicly filters it.
  Setting dots on the dynamic filter line defines the instant when the filter will restart from the initial cuttoff frequency before gliding to the final cuttoff frequency. Those dots set filter events. (the associated levels editor has currently no use. This should be changed in a near future)
  Below you can see the dynamic filter used to modify samples from the drum matrix :
  the filter can bet tuned with four buttons.
From left to right :
  The initial cutoff frequency. This sets the frequency used by the filter just after the begining of the filter event. The cutoff frequency will then glide more or less quickly to the final cutoff frequency.
  The final cutoff frequency. This button sets the cutoff frequency of the filter at the ending of the filter event. It also sets the cutoff frequency when no filter filter event is set.
  The resonance. This sets the ability of the resonator filter to keep oscillating after beeing excited by the initial sound.
  WARNING ! When set to Zero (turned to the left), this parameter can produce very high gain from the original sound !
  The decay. This sets the time length with which the sound will glide from the initial cutoff frequency to the final cutoff frequency.
 Next : Mixing voices. 

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