- making accurate and groovy sound/noise.

Buttons turning in your hand.
  using a home-made device that connect on joysticks port : thats the cheapest device if find (thanks guillaume Ollendorff for the idea, where was my head ???). It consists in four potentiometers equivalent to the four axes you'd find combining two joysticks. Here are the principle scheme and an Xrayed view of what the result should be. Its simple and do not need any experience in electronics components :

principle scheme :

[if your not used to Xrayed pics, click-me !]

what the result should be :

[if your not used to Xrayed pics, click-me !]

My own Groovit-Jbox :

[if your not used to Xrayed pics, click-me !]
Next : How can I get it ? 

last update : 1998 November 12th.